Our Products

  • Customized Fixed Income Portfolios including municipal, corporate, treasury, mortgage, foreign, and high yield bonds. 
  • Exchange Traded Fund models.  For accounts not able to participate in owning individual bonds we can achieve scalable exposure to various markets through Exchange Traded Funds(ETFs) .  We offer 7 actively allocated models ranging from capital preservation to aggressive growth.  Models are rebalanced quarterly if needed and reallocated as needed.  Exchange Traded Funds offer advantages and disadvantages over traditional mutual funds.
  • Mutual Fund models.  For accounts not able to participate in owning individual bonds we can achieve scalable exposure to various markets through Mutual Funds .  We offer 7 actively allocated models ranging from capital preservation to aggressive growth.  Models are rebalanced quarterly if needed and reallocated as needed.  Mutual Funds offer advantages and disadvantages over Exchange Traded Funds.

*please contact us to discuss which product and model is appropriate for you.